During Sunday worship we observed and celebrated the most important event of this earth. Jesus Christ died that we might live. Death is overcome so we need never fear death for everyone will be resurrected. Christ also made it possible for us to live with Him eternally by taking upon himself all our sins, pain, and troubles. He did this when he prayed in the Garden of Gestheme where He experienced pain so severe that even He, God, sweat great drops of blood; and upon the cross. So Christ truly knows what we are feeling because He has already experienced it. When we repent of our bad choices we have claim on this atonement, this great act of love He did just for us; all of us.
I find great hope in the atonement because I know that even though I still sin, as long as I repent I will still be able to live with Him again. This hope helps me to keep trying to live the good life. I am so greatful to Jesus and to Heavenly Father for providing the way back to them. They know and love me, Heavenly Father is a personal Father, taking an intense interest in my daily life. They want me to come back to them.
I am grateful too for family. Son Darius, Sydell, Arrianna, Keziah and Micah are visiting with us this week. They are a whirlwind of activity. Today I will take video of Darius and Micah doing jumps on big ramps on our mountain. Most of all I appreciate that they also maintain the spiritual side of their lives by serving in their local branch of the church and by daily reading the scriptures together and discussing them, and this week with us. They are a huggy family (which I love) so for nightly family prayer they kneel together in a tight circle and sometimes sing too. Of course Carroll and I join them. Esther and her family plus Amelia were also here for the Easter weekend. We enjoyed lots of good food and visiting and watching our three little grand-daughters (Havie, Tali and Sianne) perform for a very appreciative audience. Javan, Hensie and Havie participated in all this too; including having us over for dinner on Good Friday. How blessed we are to have family, and in-laws too that are just as much family, where everyone has fun together. I'm just sorry that I have a hard time keeping up with the hiking (though the little ones go just the right speed for me) and tennis (though the teens were good at hitting the ball right to me) and the singing around the piano and in the van (though I am good until my voice starts to give out on the high tenor notes). Good thing I can take naps. Life is good.
My bit of wisdom today? Appreciate what we have. First I am grateful to God for the atonement and His great love. I testify that God lives, wants us to be happy and wants us to obey His commandments because that will bring us the most happiness and peace. I am grateful for family and the rewards of love within family. All of this takes effort and is worth it.