
Musings defined: ponderings, reflections, meditations, contemplations.
I aim to share experiences, past and present, with the goal of learning and appreciating what life presents.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Now I'm Famous

I can't believe that it has taken me hours over several days to import this newspaper photo - so I hope you appreciate it.  So here I am with Carroll in the far left of the photo, sorting books before the sale.  The supervisor of the sorting was Rene, who had lots of experience sorting for Calgary book sales.  She wouldn't have her picture taken so Paulie and I volunteered.  I would take several books home each time I sorted.  Ended up paying $75 for all the books Carroll and I took home; plus a couple more boxes of books free when we helped clear up after the sale.  At the follow-up meeting of the Friends of the Library,  our president, Barbara Grindlay, reported that after expenses of $164.66, a profit of $5,138.25 was made over the two day sale June 3rd and 4th.  The money will be used to help our local branch of the public library.  We voted to give the library $350 for a children's summer program and I volunteered to buy a portable table for them (from book sales money).  I bought another table for our family reunion (my money). 

So everyone is happy with the book sale.  Some books, mainly textbooks, were dumped in the recycling bin.  Left over books were given to others for their book sales, for the Food Bank, etc.  When our family comes for our family reunion please help yourself to books for every age and genre.


  1. Horray I can't wait to look through them! At my branch we had a book drive to donate to Slave Lake (their library burned down, along with most of the city) but even after our cut off people kept bringing them in, so I browsed through the left overs and picked out a few. The rest went to goodwill. A good book is right at the top of my list of favourite things!

  2. what a wonderful help you are to the community mom and dad! the picture is so both of you - dad right in the forefront of things and mom working hard in the background.
