I booked seats for us to ride in this converted cattle car that was open so we see better and take lots of photos.
I also recorded our journey on video tape.
All the crew are volunteers. Watching this brakeman brought back memories when I was a front end brakeman on the Canadian Pacific Railway for two summers out of Lethbridge, Alberta.
Javan and Hensie finally have time to snuggle on this romantic ride.
No Jay is not sleeping. The train is passing through beautiful vineyards and orchards and he is contemplating the beauties of nature.
We stopped on the long high trestle over Trout Creek. Around 1913 the KVR was built in the high hills to carry out gold and other precious metals
The engine is an old Canadian Pacific coal burner that has been converted to oil.
I've never seen a cuter person wear a railroad cap than Josie. I have my dad's cap like this that says, C.P.R. Conductor. The volunteer staff were very good to pose for photos.
In church today the theme of talks and music was, our pioneer heritage. We owe much to those who went before us, building and sacrificing as they worked hard to overcome obstacles and tame our countries. Today our children have many obstacles to overcome that are just as dangerous as building high trestles or traversing the plains in handcarts. Drugs and pornography and other addictions also kill, destroy families, and provide just as deadly challenges today. May we remember the efforts of pioneers, and continue their work to build a safe and loving society.
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