This is my woodpile. I love my woodpile because in the winter time I love to sit at the computer bes

ide my wood burning stove and enjoy that special heat. Some years I get my wood the easy way and pay a man $150 to dump all I need for the winter at the bottom of my driveway- a cord of dry wood already split. When I want smaller pieces they split easily with my maul. This year I started helping a family who heat their home with wood, to get their supply. Then it was easy to just keep on going for myself. Neighbours are getting some of their large Pondorosa Pines cut down. What they don't want they stack near the road for people like

me to pick up free. However I discovered Pondorosa Pine does not like to be split; hence my justification for buying an electric log splitter. Hefting all this heavy wood is good exercise. Plus I will enjoy burning it this winter. Hopefully it will be dry enough and that is why I am splitting much of it smaller than necessary. What you see in this pile goes three full rows back and more than a cord so it's a little more than I will need this winter. I'll

have some ready for the family reunion so others can have fun splitting and stacking too. How about it Jarom?
How do you like my new mountain bike, well new to me. Neighbour sold it for $20. I took it for a tune up at the local bike shop, cost more than the bike of course, and he kept saying this is an old bike. It is heavy but it runs good; especially on the bike/jogging path by the lake this morning. But a caution to Darius and Micah, I am not ready for your wild rides and jumps by Powers Creek. Rebecca, how are you doing on your bike rides? And of

course David gets the prize for riding his bike to work nearly every day.
This spate of activity is all very well and good. What I don't understand is why I feel tired all the time; whether I exert myself or not. Is that part of aging? No wonder Ponce de Leon, the explorer, was searching for the living waters that would give him energy and long life. One of my motivations to get active is because my children have expressed concern about my sedate lifestyle. So I need to get in a little better shape before the family reunion at the end of the month.
Wisdom: I get as much or more writing done when I am physically active as when I'm not.
How does an electric wood-splitter work? I didn't even know there was such a thing...
ReplyDeleteDad! It's so awesome to see you on your bike and to hear about your aquafit class! Hooray! I have so much to tell you about my new bicycle, Josephine.