
Musings defined: ponderings, reflections, meditations, contemplations.
I aim to share experiences, past and present, with the goal of learning and appreciating what life presents.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Sacred music

 Just after Christmas we enjoyed another family session singing around our piano.  Left to right: Rebecca and Carroll; back row Javan, Hensie, me, Amelia, Quoc.  Thank you John for taking the photos.  One of the joys of my life, singing around the piano started when my mother would gather us around the piano on Sundays.  Dad would play the piano.  What Mom lacked in ability she made up for in enthusiasm with me and my brother and sister.  Carroll and I started out our marriage by singing at our own wedding reception.  Our family has been blessed with Carroll's ability and willingness to play the piano for our children.  In turn, our children bless our lives with their singing.  We are glad to see their children developing their musical talents in band, piano, dance, and singing.

One of my callings at church is to lead the congregational singing while Carroll plays the organ.  It's another blessing that we can choose the hymns and practise together.  We all have our favourites and we make sure we sing some every Sunday, but we also introduce those that are not so familiar.  Carroll found a hymn for us to sing last Sunday that supported the theme of the talks on service.  It has become one of our favourites.  Hymn # 155, "We Have Partaken of Thy Love", has a simple melody and some of the following phrases:  1. "We have partaken of thy love, O Lord, this sacred hour; We have renewed our covenants And felt thy cleansing pow'r"  2. "Let us go forth refreshed, resolved to Serve our fellowmen, Forgive our neighbors, live thy word, Until we come again,"  3. "Raising to thee in song and word Our praise, most holy One, We ask thy benediction, Lord, thru thy Beloved Son".   Hymns contain powerful doctrine but also beautiful expressions of the heart.  Sometimes when Carroll and I are practising alone in the chapel, I ponder on the meaning and my eyes glisten.  I am grateful for this opportunity for such a musical association and a focus on sacred music.
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Saturday, 9 June 2012

Family Visiting

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In April Carroll and I visited Ammon and McKinley in Calgary.  Taylor was working at the local movie theatre so we didn't get to see him.  We visited both going and coming to Regina, but I'll tell more about the Jennie and family when I find their photos.  Ammon, McKinley and Taylor, we wish you well.

Occasionally I surf the blogosphere.  I am impressed with the number of bloggers that write about family, travels, and their religion, just like me.  This morning I came across a professor at BYU, Idaho who included parts of his journal for a year previous, and included wise sayings.  I like that idea so I am going to include parts of what I wrote in my journal during this week, two years ago.

"June 4/5th … [Referring to our visit to the Vancouver temple] So rewarding to see C sitting in the endowment room flanked on each side with a daughter. And so nice to see old friends there like [the Senft’s, Burnham’s, Barrie’s] The Barrie’s live on the Island and are on a trip to visit their children in Penticton and Lethbridge - just like we were.
I really enjoyed Sianne and Tali. Sianne surprised me by cuddling and hugging me so much. Loved it.

"Monday, June 7, 2010 Rebecca visited our home for three hours last evening. (The time is 6:21 AM and the sun is just peeping over the mountain and I have just completed my OT reading and note making.) Rebecca came with John when he rented a car to visit his brother in Kelowna. Rebecca and John didn’t come until 5:30 yesterday. C had a delicious dinner waiting…They were both very complimentary...Rebecca suggested we play games but I jumped on her idea of singing. She had fun going through Mom’s music and picking out sheet music of sacred songs. I gladly joined in singing when she requested..."
I'll conclude with a saying that I copied from another blog:  "Wise sayings often fall on barren ground, but a kind word is never thrown away."  by Arthur Helps (1813 - 1875)
Who do I love?  My wife, my children, my grandchildren all mean so much to me and in them I find much meaning for my existence.  I love my Heavenly Father and Know He loves me, family, friends and everyone else.  As I feel of His love, I can more easily love you and accept myself.  I am grateful to my family for including me in their lives and hope I make a difference in theirs.