
Musings defined: ponderings, reflections, meditations, contemplations.
I aim to share experiences, past and present, with the goal of learning and appreciating what life presents.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Way smooth!

What is hot and smelly and very desirable in our drive-way and under our Golden Honey Locust tree?  Answer: asphalt, pavement in our driveway. 
Yes we were way happy to have a smooth hard surface drive-way again.  The crew did a good job.  No more spinning our tires in loose gravel to get out of the driiveway.  Just sorry we will have to dig it up next year to complete the sewer installation to the back yard.
June 27th -- a day of celebration!  The next photos were taken in front of our home when three streets in our neighbourhood were paved in one day.  As soon as the asphalt was laid, it was compacted, so people could get out of their drive-ways.  That's mainly steam coming off the pavement because it is delivered at 180 degrees.   I put my head close to the pavement to hear the snaps and crackles, just like Rice Krispies.  Wouldn't like these hot and smelly jobs though. 
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Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Sewer Installed

process is this:  a community meeting is called for the neighbourhood affected a year before any action is taken.  There must be a majority of homeowners vote to have the sanitary sewer installed.  We want it because we never know when the septic field in our clay soil in the back yard might cause a costly failure.  The street work is government subdized but will still cost each home owner around $8,000;  plus another $8,000 to hire a private contractor to connect our home to the pipes buried in the street. These are only a few of the photos I took of the big backhoes and dump trucks and compactors, etc.  All of these photos taken in front of our home. It was quite exciting.
The trench down the middle of our street was 16 feet deep, and it is still above the grade of the bottom of our house.  That means we will have to have a pump installed.  No sewer if the power goes out.

The sand around the pipes and the fill on top of that is well compacted, as you can see from the man-handled compactor in the bottom, the machine compactor on the boom of the backhoe, and the roller in the photo below.  Anything that vibrated, like the compactors, shook our home.  Didn't matter what room we moved to, things were rattling and shaking.  After several days of this, my nerves were vibrating.  Told my friend I came to visit him to get away from it all. 
These last three photos show them digging up our driveway.  The white pipe goes to our property line; one for us and one for our neighbour.  We will hire someone next year to connect to the black pipe for our personal connection.
I have to give the guys credit.  They were pleasant and worked at using acceptable language and answering all our questions.  They even compacted a section of fill for my new wall that will widen my parking pad.  That was real nice of them.  I got to know Mike, the engineer, best.  He represented our municpality to make sure the contractors did the job right.  Everyone tried to keep the roads open to one way traffic just about every day.  We parked a block away only a few days.  Tune in to my next blog for the last photos to see our new road.  We all shouted for joy, when after three months of vibrating, dust and very bumpy road (though I liked neighbours driving slowly), our street was done.  Posted by Picasa