My close friend, Pieter Bakker, is generous with the loan of his two kayaks. We carried them across the road from his home in Peachland and enjoyed some quiet time paddling on the lake. The rest of the story...
Near the end of August new move-ins to our city, Mike and one of his daughters, Kaitlynn, joined Pieter and I in with their kayak. I like to check out this and that in the water on this warm evening. I was just taking big strokes of the paddle to catch up to them, when all of a sudden -- I ended up in the water over my head. Couldn't believe that so quickly the kayak turned over, dumping me out; leaving me no say in the matter. First time in 3 years of kayaking I ended up in the water. A couple on the beach asked if I needed help and I said, "No, my friend Pieter will help me. Mike, in his more stable kayak, came back and allowed me to hold on while he towed me and my paddle back to shore. After we dumped all the water out of the kayak, we paddled some more, but it gave us something to talk about.
VERY nice to hear from you again, dad. You've been irresponsible in your posting obligations!