We are given challenges and weaknesses so we might grow strong and learn to make the choices and learn to rely on Him. That will bring us to Him.
So we join Christendom in celebrating the birth of Jesus. One way our church members (and many others around the world) have chosen to celebrate His birth is with an exhibit of nativity scenes from around the world. This "Creche Exhibit" has been provided for the public for about the last 13 years. It gives us a quiet and beautiful reminder of what Christmas is all about.
For most of the four days of the exhibit, Christmas music by the Mormon
My bit of wisdom today: Look for the opportunities to tune into the Spirit of Christmas. Music tugs at my heart the most; just ask my daughters when they sing spiritual songs if tears don't come readily to me. So find a quiet time and tune into the message of Christmas; whether that is live nativities, Christmas programs, an inspiring story, your own traditions, or an uplifting production. Feed your soul and appreciate that warm feeling of peace.
May you have a wonderful Christmas
That your heart will be filled with love for
Christ, others, and yourself.
Remember, Christ loved you first.
I love Christmas music! I like the stuff you hear on the radio; the upbeat kind about Santa. My favourites, though, are more spiritual songs that the choir sings at church. Some of the arrangements have lyrics and melodies that make my heart melt...or sing! The Kelowna area has such enthusiastic and talented singers, too -- not so much here in Edmonton.