
Musings defined: ponderings, reflections, meditations, contemplations.
I aim to share experiences, past and present, with the goal of learning and appreciating what life presents.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Darius and family - Spiritual and Zany

    This is daily scripture reading time around the dining table: Keziah, Darius, Sydell, Micah, and Grandma. 

Micah.  Notice the lack of bulky books of scripture.  This family uses their smaller devices with the Gospel Library loaded in.

Darius and Sydell.


Grandma is holding the book for me.  

Webster's pocket dictionary defines zany as "a silly person".  Grandma says these photos are evidence that Darius gets his zaniness from me.

Don't you just love father-son photos?

I had fun using Picasa's new modifiers on this man from Mars.        

This father can also be normal.  Everyone in this household works both outside the home and inside the home.  All do some meal preparation.

Sydell please tell us about this photo.

As a Young Woman's project Keziah made a quilt.  Her mother gave valuable assistance.

Since this photo was taken, Keziah has completed the quilt and given it to the Women's Shelter.

Good-bye.  May you all have a wonderful year.

This is my blog so I get the last word.  Have fun.  Be zany.  But most of all, enjoy those people who mean the most to you.

Carroll is the person who means the most to me.  You all know how attentive she can be.  Carroll and I together love our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

This blog is one of my attempts to keep our family in touch.  You can say we are touched in the head if you want but we do touch one another with not only our antics but also our love for one another.  Let's show it more often.

Remember the Family Reunion this July 12-13+.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Calgary temple open-house with Ammon

October, 2012, Ammon joined us for a tour of the Calgary temple before it was dedicated.  It is located in NW Calgary, on a hill overlooking the city.  As befits "The House of the Lord", its construction is of the highest quality.

We arrived at the temple at 7:30 in the morning.  I love this photo of Calgary taken from the temple hill; looking SE.

The temple sign at the roadside says:

It was special for the three of us together to view the temple, inside and out. 

Here is part of my journal entry for that day:  "Liked the tour,  much like the tour of the slightly smaller Brigham City temple.  The tour started in the chapel 100 yards from the temple.  We first viewed an excellent video about temples and more about the history of the church in southern Alberta.  Our guide gave explanations in each room.  We stayed for an hour in the cultural hall after with cookies and water, watching the modestly dressed people, talking about the temple, and filling out Comment cards.

The walkway from the chapel to the temple was covered for an excellent reason - our protection from the cold winds.  There were many volunteers to help and answer questions.
Before entering the temple we stood at a rack for a volunteer to slip booties on our shoes, to keep the interior of the temple clean.  Once inside, everything was quiet, peaceful and orderly, as we were led from one beautiful room to another.  In each area our tour guide answered questions and explained the purpose of the room: the baptismal font below ground, the topmost celestial room with its high ceiling, instruction rooms and the sealing room where  couples are married for all eternity.

We ended the tour in the cultural hall of the church where we mostly sat quietly and contemplated the heavenly peaceful feelings we experienced in the temple.  Temples do bring us closer to our Heavenly Father.

Back in Ammon's apartment we had fun with McKinley, age 16.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

What to do with smooth clean road?

What would you do with a shinny, new, clean, smooth road?  Our neighbour boys know.  And they can zip in and out of our parking pad once again too.  Their exhuberance reflects our joy at having our street back.  I like them better than the cars that have picked up speed driving past.  From Summer, 2012. 
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Gubler Reunion in Peachland, Canada, August 3-4, 2012

July and August, 2012 saw the Gubler Family gathered around Peachland for their bi-annual reunion.  The following photos are not representative of who attended or of our activities, but nine months later I figure it is better to post these photos than none at all.
Ammon is Havie's favourite uncle, or is Havie Ammon's favourite niece?

Carroll's sister,GayeLynne and her husband, Dallan, stayed in our home.  We treasure our picture books and love to show them off.  This is one that Sarah put together for us.
Tali loves playing on her dad, Dave, and getting cousins to join her.

Back at the house, table tennis was a favourite.
The creek at the back (and down) from  our property is always a cool place to play and pose.
Starting back left:  me, Richard, Darius, Ammon.  middle row:  Tali, Sianne, Donna (and daughter), Valorie, Jenny, Arrianna, Keziah, GayeLynne, Dallan.  front row:  Sydell, Dave, Micah, Christopher

Yoga was one of the popular activities of the reunion.  Class led by Amelia's boyfriend, Quoc.  Food was the most popular, followed by beach activities, kayaking, talent show, scavenger hunt, and spontaneous gym activities.  Last - waiting forever for the bats to appear from the old school attic.

Javan made his health drink while Hensie tossed the salad.

Darius and Micah are extreme mountain bike enthusiasts. They brought their bikes to take advantage of great trails.  Micah is receiving first aid for gashes on his leg.  It doesn't hurt.  It's just part of the sport. 
Like peas in a pod, Tali and Sianne love books too.
Keziah takes lessons.  Yeah.

Micah and Havie.  Cousins had fun together.
The reunion also brought Americans to enjoy our lakes, streams, and the Canadian Rockies.  Most of all we enjoyed being together.  Until we meet again in 2014 in Idaho, eh.
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