Micah. Notice the lack of bulky books of scripture. This family uses their smaller devices with the Gospel Library loaded in.
Darius and Sydell.
Grandma is holding the book for me.
Webster's pocket dictionary defines zany as "a silly person". Grandma says these photos are evidence that Darius gets his zaniness from me.
Don't you just love father-son photos?
I had fun using Picasa's new modifiers on this man from Mars.
This father can also be normal. Everyone in this household works both outside the home and inside the home. All do some meal preparation.
Sydell please tell us about this photo.
As a Young Woman's project Keziah made a quilt. Her mother gave valuable assistance.
Since this photo was taken, Keziah has completed the quilt and given it to the Women's Shelter.
Good-bye. May you all have a wonderful year.
This is my blog so I get the last word. Have fun. Be zany. But most of all, enjoy those people who mean the most to you.
Carroll is the person who means the most to me. You all know how attentive she can be. Carroll and I together love our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
This blog is one of my attempts to keep our family in touch. You can say we are touched in the head if you want but we do touch one another with not only our antics but also our love for one another. Let's show it more often.
Remember the Family Reunion this July 12-13+.
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